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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So it seems as though I'm pretty crap at this blogging malarkey.  I will continue to take the pics though and up write when I get around to it!
Here's the latest batch of lunches.

This lunch has cucumber, ranch and some turkey hot dog slices, a clementine, turkey and cheese sandwich and apple sauce.

This lunch (DS7) has peanut butter on whole wheat, mango/kiwi/blueberry and strawberry salad, graham goldfish cookies, a granola thin and orange slices.

This lunch (DS5) has a mango/kiwi/blueberry/strawberry and blood orange fruit salad, peanut butter on whole wheat, carrots and a granola thin.

My lunch is the same (but bigger) fruit salad as above with a chicken/mayo and mixed lettuce on whole wheat sandwich with carrots and 1/2 cup pistachios.  I wished I had made a full sandwich instead of half but wasn't hungry afterwards, it was just good :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gadgets and gizmos make me smile

I love kitchen stuff. I love cookbooks; I have a dresser FULL of them and can't part with them it's quite silly, I use probably 12 regularly and have them visible, the rest are stashed away behind the doors only to be taken out when I'm bored and need something to read. My husband finds the fact I read recipes quite strange. No comment. I also love anything miniature (hence my collection of Le Crueset (sp?), mini fruit shaped casserole dishes and appliances.  I have that many kitchen appliances that my oven element burned out 2 weeks ago and it was only when I went bake a ginormous pizza tonight that I remembered it doesn't work!
Today while perusing the Dollar Tree I came across toast stamps.  I had to have them, they're very easy to use.

When I fill the fridge snack box we all eat better, snack better and making lunches is so much quicker.  In this one we have melon, strawberries, raw cashews, carrots and kiwi.

DS7 has to take a snack for the afternoon and so I bought 2 shoe boxes, labelled them and filled them with snack foods that don't require refrigeration.