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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year

There's nothing like a new year to get one motivated and organized.  At least for a month or so anyway.  I'm sick to the back teeth of over eating and drinking and feel like I did more of both in the past 2 weeks than I did for the 6 months prior to that....URGH.
I have therefore spent the past couple of days perusing my new (and extensive collection of old) cookbooks and clearing out the pantry, fridge and freezer.  The result has been some fresh tasting, real food, healthy meals, and snacks including a spinach and goats cheese quiche, breakfast cookies, breakfast burritos, bread rolls, soup, and a fridge stocked with fruit and vegetables to start us off as we will go on.

The breakfast cookie recipe I make is from 30 Day Gourmet's Big book of freezer cooking and I love it.  It seems that every time I make these cookies I don't have the right ingredients and yet despite several substitutions they come out the oven perfect every time.  This time around I used banana baby food instead of apple sauce, and I ground up some apricots, prunes and raisins instead of using craisins.  I also added 1/2 cup ground walnuts instead of chocolate chips, raw sugar instead of brown, and they are delicious.  I make them a regular 2 inch cookie size and package them 2 per snack bag in the freezer.  I love them frozen because it keeps the crunch, they are very much a cake type cookie otherwise which always reminds of dropping your cookie in a cuppa....not a good thing...not that anyone else seems to care!  The photo only shows half the cookies, the rest were in the oven still.

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